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RoamFlex Data Pass
Your Roaming Data - Your Call
RoamFlex Data Pass - Only $48 up/month, gives you 35GB roaming data immediately
  • Q1
    Can I subscribe to RoamFlex Data Pass- Asia Pacific & RoamFlex Data Pass-Worldwide at the same time?


    Yes, contract period and data entitlement would be counted separately. RoamFlex Data Pass- Asia Pacific data entitlement would be deducted first when travel to covered destination.

  • Q2
    If the data entitlement for RoamFlex Data Pass is used up in covered destination, what would be the thereafter roaming charges?


    When usage exceed RoamFlex Data Pass data entitlement & top up, usage on that day would be counted by selected Virtual WiFi Egg or “Upgraded" Roaming Data Day Plan”.
    For Top up purchased during the effectiveness of day plan, top up data would be used after ending of day plan (e.g. local time 00:00)

  • Q3
    What if I purchased both RoamFlex Data Pass & 10-day Roaming Data Pass. Which product would be used first on covered destination?


    RoamFlex Data Pass and its top up would be used first on covered destination.

  • Q4
    How could I find out my usage on RoamFlex Data Pass?


    You can login your account > My Statements > Overview > Please select number to check your balance.

  • Q5
    How do I use 5G data roaming service?

    Customers need to meet the following conditions to experience 5G data roaming services:
    - Designated existing SmarTone 5G service plan subscribers
    - Use compatible device (Click here for details)
    - Use data roaming service in SmarTone designated destinations (e.g. China and South Korea)

  • Q6
    How much does 5G data roaming service cost?

    There is no additional charge for 5G data roaming service, customers can use 5G data roaming service in the designated destinations with the same price.
