Easy Number - Charges - SmarTone
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Instant China No.
Easy Number - HK$18/month, get a mainland China mobile number in 3 mins, travel in China has never been easier
Service Plan Service Fees Contract Period
Standard Plan HK$18/month No fixed contract period
Additional charges as below:
In Hong Kong Outside Hong Kong
Receiving SMS Free
Sending SMS To mainland China number: HK$3 / SMS
To Hong Kong or oversea number: HK$4.8 / SMS
Receiving Calls Basic local calls Applicable roaming charges

Have even more fun while eating, shopping and playing in the Greater Bay Area with our “Greater Bay Area Easy Pack”, including a mainland mobile number and data roaming in China & Macau! For details, please click here.

  • The Service is only available for customers who have subscribed to the Company’s monthly mobile service plan with a Hong Kong Identity Card. Applicants for this service must be the account holder of the company's monthly mobile service plan.
  • Each Hong Kong Identity Card holder can only subscribe to a maximum number of 3 Standard Plans of the Service, while each SmarTone mobile phone number registering with the same HKID holder can subscribe to one Standard Plan only. Each Standard Plan will be allocated one China mobile phone number. If a Customer registers more than 3 Standard Plans for this Service, SmarTone reserves the right to terminate the oversubscribed plan(s) and its China mobile number.
  • The China mobile number of this service is not applicable for any other value-added services.
  • If the Customer wants to receive phone calls or SMS outside Hong Kong, roaming service must be activated on his or her SmarTone monthly mobile plan's main line number.
  • The Customer must agree with the arrangement of Registration of True Identity Information of users for China mobile numbers. For details, please refer to the relevant Terms and Conditions of this Service.
  • Subject to relevant terms and conditions. Please refer to T&C –V126 for details.